Leveraging Python for Basic Shell Commands

I love Python. And I love Shell scripts too. But Python, definitely more. I spend 80% of my time on my MBP in the terminal. And being a student with some administrative responsibilities, I frequently have to perform certain simple tasks (creating directory structures, files etc.) numerous times. To that extent I find that Python provides a lot of tools that one can use to efficiently do such shell tasks.


I have a folder structure that looks something like this:

├── student_scripts
│   ├── student_1
│   ├── student_2

And I want to create a directory structure like this:

├── studentfolder_1
│   ├── grades
│   ├── studentout
│   └── testerout
├── studentfolder_2
│   ├── grades
│   ├── studentout
│   └── testerout
|   some_other_random_files
|   and_some_more_random_files

And I have close 50 student folders. My problem is how do I take something as simple as a mkdir command and automatically create the required folder structure without - manually entering the student names - writing a complex shell script


  1. Create a Python script: Let's call it tester/tmp/listdir.py (Yes I'm not very creative with names). Here's what it looks like:

    import os
    from os import path
    root = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__+"/.."))
    root = path.join(root, "student_scripts")
    for folder in os.listdir(root):
        if path.isdir(path.join(root, folder)):
            print folder+"/testerout"
            print folder+"/studentout"
            print folder+"/grades"
  2. Create the folder structure: Next we use a neat feature of Shell Expansion, Command Substitution. Next enter the following command in the terminal:

    $ mkdir H2
    $ mkdir -p `python ~/dev/personal/h2_tester/tmp/listdir.py`

And that's it. Finito. Folder structure is created.

My experience with Python

I am definitely not an expert on Python to comment on the powers of python. But, I can tell you this. It is brilliant. In just 5 lines of dead simple code, I achieved something that would have involved some pain staking StackOverflow browsing for shell scripts or manual labor. Didn't have to do any of it.

I am not asking you convert to only Python for your scripts from now on, but you can use the power of python scripts to augment your shell tasks. Definitely worth a try.

Written on April 9, 2015